Category: Steroids

Post Cycle Therapy After Steroids

Post cycle therapy is a complex of actions that involves the use of pharmacological drugs and sports supplements to eliminate / minimize side effects caused by the use of anabolic steroids. PCT should be performed after all steroid courses. The main objectives of Post cycle therapy are: prevention of gynecomastia and testicular atrophy ; restoration of the natural hormonal background; prevention of the phenomenon of rollback ; prevention of other side effects caused by AS. The type of preparations that should be used during PCT depends on the steroid, which is applied, its dosages and the length of the course, the peculiarities of the organism and the state of the hormonal ... Read more

Steroids In Bodybuilding

Steroids in bodybuilding, so-called “anabolic” or “anabolic steroids” are very popular, i.e. preparations synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone, and used in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections of prolonged action. These funds are actively accepted by athletes and bodybuilders to stimulate: “muscle nutrition”, the increase in muscle mass, in order to form a “competitive quality” from this “quantity” – relief (which is actually the subject of competitions in representative world-class bodybuilding competitions). Typical contingent schemes use doses antiphysiologically exceeding 8-10 times (from 20 to 2000 mg! In testosterone equivalent per day) for the quick effect, and several different ... Read more

Steroids Side Effects

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are a synthetic copy of the testosterone hormone. They help build muscle mass, make a person stronger and more enduring. It is for this reason that anabolics have become very popular among bodybuilders. It is very important topic steroids side effects. Steroids side effects Usually in bodybuilding, the topic “steroids side effects” traditionally refers to hormonal drugs with testosterone. Its functions are divided into androgenic, associated with the sexual sphere and secondary sexual characteristics of men, and anabolic – aimed at the development of musculoskeletal and muscle growth in the male type. TIP: If you want to look ... Read more

How To Take Steroids

Anabolic steroids are artificial substitutes for the human hormone testosterone, and in combination – the cornerstone of any pharmacological support program for professional bodybuilders. This is very important question how to take steroids. Without them, virtually no stage of pre-competitive training of athletes, not professing “natural” bodybuilding. What is steroids This is not a miracle, pills or injections, which allow you to make a champion out of nothing, but with proper use, how to take steroids help to significantly improve the results. Their reception causes: acceleration of metabolic processes, protein is better absorbed from food; due to this – a quick set ... Read more

What Is Steroids

For those who want to switch to powerful means for mass recruitment and still do not know where to start, it is important to get acquainted with the principles of hormonal means work, their features, useful effects and dosages and methods of use that are harmful to the body. First you need to understand what is anabolic steroids and why these drugs should be used under the strict supervision of specialists and only in case of real necessity. This article is written solely for informational purposes for a general understanding, we do not in any way call for the use of ... Read more