Testobolin (vial) Alpha Pharma

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10ml vial (250mg/ml)Alpha Pharma



Testobolin (vial) Alpha Pharma (Testosterone Enanthate) is an esterified form of testosterone. The active substance is planted in the ether, and stored in fat depots, splits immediately and in full amount, and enters the blood gradually.

Testobolin (vial) Alpha Pharma has a pronounced anabolic properties, and accelerates protein synthesis (provides a positive nitrogen balance), and also has lots of other useful for the athlete effects. In men, testosterone is produced by Leydig cells and adrenal cortex in women exclusively by the adrenal cortex. Hormone – a product of peripheral metabolism, though he has extremely low activity, because it almost does not bind to androgen receptors. Testosterone is a prohormone. This means that before the effect on the androgen receptor, it is processed (modificarea) a special enzyme – 5-alpha-reductase. Thus the active form of the hormone DHT.

Testobolin (vial) Alpha Pharma
Effect and steroid profile

Effect and steroid profiledata – air for long periods. It should be noted that the period of exposure depends on individual to individual and can vary within two to three weeks. Half-life is 6-7 days.

Anabolic effect – 100% of testosterone.
Androgenic effects – 100% testosterone.
The conversion rate to estrogen is high.
The suppression of the axis hypothalamus-pituitary-testes – significant.
Toxicity to the liver – no.
Duration of action – up to Crescent.
Detection time is up to 3 months.
Testosterone enanthate is produced only in injectable form.

The effects of the steroid Testosterone Enanthate 250

The increase in muscle mass. The rapid increase in the volume of the muscles is partly caused by fluid accumulation, which is due to the estrogenic activity of testosterone and a delay of sodium. After the course Testosterone Enanthate 250 ends, there is the phenomenon of recoil (more or less pronounced).
Increase power performance.
Participation in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics (male features, hair, low voice) and development of male sex organs.
Impact on sexual behavior and provision of spermatogenesis.
Improvement of phosphorus and nitrogen exchanges.
Elimination of joint pain, problems with intervertebral discs and crunching in his shoulders.
Stimulation of regenerative processes in the body.
Improving the overall tone and increasing the motivation to exercise.
The increase in erythrocyte mass of blood.
Prevention of overtraining.
Course of Testosterone Enanthate solo

The use of enanthate it is recommended that adult athletes, passed a full medical examination. Injections are performed no more than twice a week. The dose is prescribed individually and depends on many factors. In General, a safe range is from 250 to 500 milligrams. The growth of body weight, you can increase the amount administered. The average rate of the testosterone enanthate solo lasts approximately two to two and a half months, and the PKT begins only through two–three weeks after discontinuation of the steroid. If you are a beginner and do not know how to take testosterone enanthate, it is best to start with the 250 milligrams, and observe their reaction.

In order to eliminate the possible estrogenic side effects, it is best to use Proviron or other aromatase inhibitors – with 2-3 weeks of the course and up to 7 days for its completion. If possible, it is useful to monitor the level of estradiol: this allows you to track the effectiveness of suppression of estrogenic “side effects”. At the end of the reception, to avoid the loss of muscle mass recruited necessary to take cortisol blockers.

Side effectcombined courses

As for how to take testosterone enanthate in combination with other steroids, the muscle mass is best achieved in combination with Trenbolone, Methandrostenolone, Anadrol, and Nandrolone. In this case the dosage of each drug decrease until the minimum recommended on the course solo.

Side effects

The biggest drawback of Testosterone Enanthate is its high level of aromatization, that is, conversion of estrogen. This leads to frequent side effects (however, they occur in most failure to comply with the recommended dosages and/or duration of the course) in the form of fat deposits, edema and gynecomastia. The old method of addressing these shortcomings is the intake of antiestrogens. In principle, it is possible now to stop the aforementioned problems, but is much more effective to take aromatase inhibitors on the course. Antiestrogen need, but after discontinuation of the steroid is to restore the normal level of secretion of testosterone. Of the negative side effects of testosterone enanthate may also increased blood pressure, hair loss, acne, increased aggression.